About us

                About us

We are the people of Earth who have come to live life on this earth. We don’t want to fight, quarrel, destroy, be sick, or need possessions. We want something more precious – peace, health, love, smile and open hearts full of feelings and happiness…

We believe that the Earth gives us everything we really need for our good… We believe that animals are an important part of our lives, as are friends from every country…

Our project is Live, an ordinary life that is… We gas, we rejoice, we dance, we sing, we share together and we live….

We don’t have phones, emails, bank accounts, contracts, alcohols, drogs, expensive cars, or big houses… Even this website will only be a short time at the beginning, then it will no longer be needed. We’ve got each other. each other…. We don’t need anything from anyone… We have come to live and rejoice…

We believe that we are all equal and yet each of us is completely original…

Everyone is their own pupil and teacher and is responsible for their actions physically, mentally and spiritually. No one can tell the other person what to do, let alone how to think or feel.
